Our United Voice

I Didn’t Realize Third Grade Was So Important

Monday, March 17, 2014

By Melody Murphy
Read with your child for 20 minutes every night.

That’s been the mantra of my kids’ teachers since my oldest (who is now a junior at Ballard High School) was in kindergarten.  I never really thought much of it because I began reading to my children when they were babies, so doing this was not a huge deal.  Although, I admit, I sometimes felt that a teacher REQUIRING this on top of nightly homework was a bit much to ask.

Until now.

What breaks YOUR heart? What makes YOU angry?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Janet Masteron Photo
By Janet Masterson
Nearly 16 years ago, I was given a challenge. Actually, it was more of a directive. I was asked to be Community Coordinated Child Care's (also known as 4-C) point person on public policy. Effective immediately.

At the time, I considered myself to be somewhat of an early childhood expert, but the thought of participating in politics sent chills up my spine. Nevertheless, I do not scare easily, so I said, "challenge accepted."